Thursday, May 31, 2012

Any Readers Out There?

This would be a great idea for a book group too!

Our Local Library does a Summer Reading Special every summer for the kids.  This year they've added something a little more for adults as well.  If you fill a line, you get entered in a prize drawing.  If you fill the whole sheet, you get entered in the Grand Prize Drawing.  I'm challenging myself to do it this summer.

The kids get a Kid's Bingo Sheet if they read 50 hours (you also get points for attending free classes and such ~magicians, lego builds, story time...). 

I seriously encourage everyone to find out what's going on in your community for family activities.  I HAVE FOUND AT LEAST ONE FREE EVENT PER DAY THIS SUMMER IN MY SMALL TOWN! Last year, I started a facebook group for people to post kids activities in the area.  It has definitely blossomed!  You should try it!

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